Empowering the current & future athletes of Green Bay East High

We’re a nonprofit that funds youth sports teams and trains athletes going to Green Bay East High School.

Founded by East Alumni, Kyle Cropsey, in January of 2022, Rise Up Athletics Inc., is a volunteer run organization working to support, fund and empower the current and future athletes of Green Bay East High School. Whether training individual athletes or coaching football, basketball, or baseball, Rise Up connects with students to provide the proper equipment and preparation to participate in sport.


  • Without our volunteer coaches, Rise Up wouldn’t exist. As a coach, we ask you to be committed to our athletes, their enrichment and supporting them throughout their athleticism. For more information, click the sign up button and we will reach out with more information.

  • Looking to get involved with Rise Up in other ways? We would love to have your support! Whether its time or talent, there is a place for you within our organization.

  • We look forward to having you with us! For more information on joining Rise Up as a student athlete, please click the sign up button or attend one of our events/practices.

  • As a donation funded nonprofit organization, Rise Up Athletics INC. relies on your financial support to make a difference for our athletes and their families.

Every kid needs a mentor, someone to look up to, and these kids are getting that through Rise Up

-Rise Up Athletics INC. Volunteer


Looking for more information regarding our program? We are happy to connect with you!